Aspen Bolete  
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Wild Foods

Our Wild Food section contains mushrooms. This site is not intended to be a course in Northwoods Mushrooming 101. It is to inform experienced wild food harvesters what is currently being found and nothing more.
Attend a Mushroom ID Workshop before attempting this highly risky sport!
(1-3) Low (4-7) Average (8-10) High
"Out" Means out of season for our area
N/A means it is in season, but there are no recent reports
(Sp-Spring Su-Summer Au-Autumn)
Alcohol Inky Sp-Au Out   Fiddleheads Sp Out
Angel Wings Au Out   Gypsy Mushroom Sp-Au Out
Asparagus, Wild Sp Out   Hazelnuts Au Out
Bear's Head Au Out   Hedgehog Su-Au Out
Blackberries Su Out   Horse Mushroom Su-Au Out
Black Caps Su Out   Lactarius Delicious Au Out
Blueberries Su Out   Lactarius Indigo Su-Au Out
Bolete, Aspen Sp-Su Out   Leeks Sp Out
Bolete, Birch Sp-Su Out   Lepiota Americana Au Out
Bolete, Peppery Su-Au Out   Lobster Mushroom Su-Au Out
Bolete, Red Cracked Su-Au Out   Man On Horseback Au Out
Bolete, Yellow Cracked Su-Au Out   Meadow Mushroom Au Out
Bolete Edulis Su-Au Out   Morel, Black Sp Out
Brown Button Au Out   Morel, White Sp Out
Cauliflower Au Out   Oyster Sp-Au Out
Chantrelle, Black Su-Au Out   Pheasant Back Sp Out
Chantrelle, Scaly Su-Au Out   Puffball, Gem Studded Su-Au Out
Chantrelle, Yellow Su-Au Out   Puffball, White Su-Au Out
Chicken of the Woods Sp-Au Out   Raspberries Su Out
Choke Cherries Su Out   Shaggy Mane Su-Au Out
Crown Tipped Coral Su-Au Out   Shaggy Parasol Su-Au Out
Deer Mushroom Sp-Au Out   Slippery Jack Au Out
Destructive Pholiota Au Out   Witch's Butter Au Out
Elderberries Au Out   Wood Blewitt Au Out
Fairy Ring Su-Au Out   Wood Ear Sp Out